Posted on 7/29/2015

Here is a 2006 Volkswagen Jetta TDI with the cylinder head removed. It this case the timing belt did not break to cause this damage, but broken timing belt can and will cause similar damage. In this particular case it appears that the #3 fuel injector failed causing the cylinder to get drenched with fuel. The fuel either hydrauliced on the compression stroke and bent the exhaust valve or the valve stem got washed with fuel, was not properly lubricated, seized in the valve guide, made contact with the piston and this is the result. Picture #1 shows that the exhaust valve is missing from the cylinder head and the cylinder head is badly damaged. Picture #2 show the cylinder block with the piston in the down position. The wad of metal in the center of the picture is the #3 exhaust valve emended in the top of the piston. Picture #3 shows the cylinder block with the $3 piston in the full up position. Moral of the story; if your VW TDI start running poorly, get it in to us or a VW TDI expert ... read more