Posted on 12/17/2014

Perform Transmission Fluid Service By ‘Severe Duty’ Change Intervalby AutoCarePro Team - Nov 18, 2014 Improved lubricants have allowed service intervals to extend for many vehicles with automatic transmissions, utilizing “lifetime fluids.” In the past, service recommendations for automatic transmissions were based on time/mileage tied to requirements of new vehicle warranties (2-3 years or 30,000 miles). Lifetime fluid recommendations are now 5-10 years or the life of the vehicle (100,000 miles) unless the vehicle is subjected to “severe duty.” The question that often comes up next: When is it appropriate to perform a fluid service? Taken directly from OEM owners’ manuals, “severe duty” has historically been defined as: • Operation o ... read more
Posted on 5/8/2014

In the past we have seen a few VW |Volkswagen VR6 motors come in not running and after testing the vehicle and removing the engine and timing cover (rear of the engine). We found that the oil pump bolt had come loose and allowed the oil pump drive gear to walk out. It this case we had a Volkswagen Passat come in not running. We tested it and determined that crankshaft was turning and the camshaft was not. The VR6 is an interference motor so we recommended removal of the engine, removal of the cylinder head, inspection of the timing chains and replace the valves that are bent. After removing the engine and timing covers, we were surprised to find it was not the oil pump bolt that had come loose, but the lower timing chain had actually broken in half (chain fom the crankshaft gear to the oil pump gear). Here are some pictures of the repair including arrows pointing the eight bent valves. If you are in need of service or repair on your VW | Volkswagen whether it has a VR6 in it or not ... read more