Posted on 6/5/2014

If you have a late model Volvo and the Air Conditioning goes from ice cold to hot after driving for about 15 minutes. Then if the vehicle is allowed to cool off, the A/C goes back to cold again, we have your solution. On many late model Volvo's the Air Conditioning Compressor Clutch starts to fail after getting hot. To remedy this problem you have to replace the A/C Compressor with an updated unit, which include an update clutch assembly. We also recommend replacing the Air Conditioning Compressor Clutch Relay at the same time, because it may have been taxed during the clutch failure and is no longer reliable. This is not a "do-it-yourself" type job, unless you have an Air Conditioning Machine that can evacuate the Freon from the ... read more
Posted on 5/12/2014
The video below shows a 2005 Volvo S60R that we are working on. It had a larg oil leak and a lack of power. We found that the oil trap hose had been blown open (see pictures) and the oil trap had been damaged. After replacing the oil trap and hoses to eliminate the large vacuum leaks, it was discovered that the engine still had a miss fire. We determined that #3 cylinder was miss firing and used a borascope to inspect the inside of the cylinder. We saw that a large portion of the cylinder wall had been damaged, most likely from the lean condition. Unfortunately in this case the engine has to either removed, disassembled and resleeved or the entire engine must be replaced. If you are looking for a shop that really knows your Volvo give us a call at (951) 225-1131 or click here to make your Online Appointment. If you are looking for the Volvo Service and Repair Specialists in Temecula, Murrieta, Winchester, Falbrook, Menif ... read more