Posted on 1/20/2016
This is Little Bear's first trip to the snow. At home he hated the boots, but after putting his bare feet in the snow , he changed his mind and didn't think there were too bad. It took him a few minutes to get use to them and he could definitely walk better in the soft snow.  
Posted on 5/9/2014
Here is my favorite trick, it always get me a cookie. It only took my Mommy a few hours to teach me this trick, but I sure got a lot of treats in the process. The hardest part for me it to make sure my tail stops wagging, I know I am going to get a cookie so I almost can't help myself... I hope you enjoyed my trick and I will be posting more soon
Posted on 3/16/2014
My Mom and Dad got tired of getting up and going downstairs to let me out to go pee-pee. So my Mom taught me to go pee-pee in the potty upstairs. It was a little dicey the first couple of times but I got the hang of it... Take a look at my video, it was a little embarrassing for me but that is all right.. What do you think? I did fall in once so I don't jump up by myself anymore, but it sure is a hit at family parties. Once you get past 10 people standing in the bathroom with you... I'll blog again soon, when my Daddy has time to help me. We are taking videos of some of my other tricks.. More to come
Posted on 9/13/2013
My name is Little Bear and I am the Mascot and Head of Security at European Autowerks. My Dad said I can have my own Blog on his website and write about whatever I like. Today I am just going to introduce myself. I am a 3 year old Prokie. My Mom and Dad paid for a pure bread Tea Cup Yorkie but it looks like my Father was a fence jumper. My papers say I am pure bread but the DNA tests say I am 1/2 Yorkie and 1/2 Parson Terrion (show version of the Jack Russell), so it looks like I am a Porkie or a YorkRussell. I am a Certified Therapy Service Dog and go visit sick people in my free time. I love to lick and can do some amazing tricks. My claim to fame is; I can go pee-pee in the potty. Below is a picture of me as a small puppy, there will be more blogs, pictures and videos in my future blogs